Monday 1 February 2010


yep, 3 posts in 2 days but I have a fair amount of catching up to do ... I have taken around 1200 photos already (Just under 3 weeks I've had my camera) so keeping up with myself might be tricky! Though on second thoughts there are a few things that will probably slow my trigger finger on the shutter release. The first and foremost being a lack of inspiration and creativity. The second being time restaints and the third being good photo oppertunities. But I think I could quite happily blog away through the archives as I go through 'Dry' periods. Also I probably only post 10-15 pictures per 100 I take (and dont delete) when I am doing a specific shoot like this one.

Another thing that just crossed my mind as I typed out the above paragraph: My camera only gives a 4 digit number referance after each picture ... So what happens when I want to take my 10000th picture ? This might seem a little far off but at the rate I'm going I will have taken over 20000 pictures by the end of this year ... which has now led me to think ... there is only one way to find out, get snap happy! Of course I could google my question but thats just not quite as exciting now is it?

so now that I have rambled enough take a gander at what happened between the 5 and 6 hundredth pictures I took.

So I Recived one of these (I Like to call it a zorb because I have no idea what they are actually called) for my 17th birthday from my Pa and it didnt really do much for about a year so one night when I was bored I decided to take it off the shelf, dust it off and see what it looked like in a picture, now having played with these a fair amount I knew that it would probably look quite underwhelming to take a normal shutter speed shot of it so I threw it up to 5sec got the gorilla pod out and got these:

I thought these were quite fun, good but not great, actually taking the pictures was fun in itself, trying out different shutter speeds, different zooms etc I tried LOTS of  different methods. So anyway I though I could possibly make them more exciting by messing around with the hue, contrast, saturation and RGB settings as I was shooting in raw I could also fiddle around with the sharpness lens abberation correction bla bla bla the list goes on ... here is how they came out:

So I was pretty chuffed with these, little bit abstract, very colourful definatley worth the time that I stayed up shooting them.

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