Tuesday 16 February 2010

Hearts and Roses

Slightly more effeminate than Guns 'n Roses and better for taking pictures of too. Don't worry, not actual hearts that would just be weird. In fact the rose isnt real either so there we go maybe I should have called this post 'Hearts and Roses except not' any way, I like to feel that I have improved on the origami front, so here are the final stages of my latest rose...

Then for some reason, which at this present time escapes me, I wandered what it would look like if there were a light inside my little paper rose. As I was laking a light small enough to fit inside it I decided to put in ontop of a lamp:

Roses down, here come the hearts... Now you might be thinking ... 'pretty sure this person is a dude, what on earth is he doing blogging about hearts and roses, I think I might vommit.' 
In which case you think roses and hearts are for girls and guns and skateboarding are for boys. I would ask you if you know any boy without a heart and any girl who got a rose from another girl rather than a boy and if so, how is that less weird than a guy blogging on hearts and roses?

moving oh so smoothly onwards, I ended up doing these cause I had some spare ink left in some open cartridges and didnt feel much like just throwing the ink away, so i sprinkled it on some paper: 

I thought that looks pretty cool but I could do something more with it so i smudged a heart shape in:

Now at this point I really wanted to write 'Covers a multitude' after
1Peter 4 : 8   Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

With the ink looking a little like blood and the heart being an international symbol for love, the imagery and symbolism would be brilliant. Only problem is that there was too little ink and also too little space reaining on the page to write it :(

anyway I also had spare blue ink so I did it again with that, just to see what it would look like, oh and I blew all the drops of ink to one side to make it a bit different:

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