Tuesday 9 February 2010


Wine charms are funny old things, I dont understand them myself, well I suppose I do on one level, they serve the purpose of making a wine glass prettier, which is brilliant. The stange thing is that there is high enough demand for wine glass beautification products that google gets just under 3000 companies that are willing to pay to let me know that they sell them.

Now dont get me wrong, I'm not down on wine charms I love the idea I just wander why beautification products for other, just as mundane things havent been invented?

like drain-pipe socks, or light-switch glitter, or toliet-handle gloves, heck even table-leg trousers. All I'm asking is why do wine glasses get all the attention ehy?

So anyway to the point: My dad and stepmum recived some charming wine-glass dangly thingys and they were left in a box for over 2 years. At this point I busted them out of their prison of card and plastic and let them dangle in all of their splendour!

Lovely! Yes I know they are clearly not hanging from wine glasses so here is how I took the pictures of the dangling ones...

Another post down! I have nearly caught up with myself, these pictures were in the 1100-200 bracket, I'm only in 1300-400 at the moment.

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