Saturday 25 February 2012


Rain has been, quite litterally, an every day occurance for me while living in England, a consistant mid to high 20's is a welcome change but what is so much better in South Africa than England is the Rain. (No I haven't gone insane - don't worry)

Let me explain - rain in England is pretty consistant, it wouldn't be unusual to have an entire week of rain which is cold and drizzly - this is the worst kind of rain. In South Africa on the other hand it is rare, comes with alot of lightning, is VERY heavy, warm and only lasts a day or 2 or even some times just 10 minutes. This rain is pretty rare in England meaning I usually take the opportunity to walk in it when the occasion arises so of course when the heavens opened here I was ready in swimming shorts and t-shirt within 5 minutes.

I actually went for the walk with a South African who has quickly become a good friend. Needless to say within 2 minutes we could not get any wetter. It was around this time that we ended up at the pool as I needed to drain it to stop the levels getting too high when it rains (I have been put in charge of pool maintainence) So as I stood by the pool side with the pump not working due to a power cut (probably a result of all the lightning) I took one look at my friend and dived right on in. To my wanderment the pool water was significantly warmer than the air temperature so he joined me and we swam for about 5 minutes with lighning bolts striking near by all the while - then we went back and dried out selves off - The End.

Unfortunatley cameras and rain don't mix so well so there are no pictures of the above adventure - they are of the first lot of rain we had here which only lasted 5 minutes tops though as you can see was still enough to drench anyone caught in it - oh and it seems the base is not exactly build to withstand rain

 ... yeaaa. That took quite a little while to sort out - Still, made a good picture so I wasn't too worried about it.

Title font used 'Respective'

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant photos, as always, Benjamin. I especially love the last one. I remember when I was in Uganda & there was a great warm downpour, we (the British girls) would continue merrily on our way while Ugandans would find shelter and stop until it was over, giving us funny looks as we skipped & splashed along!
