Saturday 18 February 2012


A closer look at some of the amazing people that I am sharing the next 6 months with, I have only been here 2 weeks and I am already know as the 'camera guy' which I am quite happy about, people are getting used to the fact that it is not in my interest to take bad photos of them and as a result tend to freak out less when a large lens is pointed their way.

It is amazing how quickly it is possible to get to know quite a few people - and of course make friends - when you spend a lot of time with them, sharing a room and every meal time with other people takes me back to my boarding school days which are very fond memories.

I have heard more life stories since being here than in any other 3 week period of my life and it is amazing to hear how vastly different our backgrounds are and how phenomenally consistent God is to all of us.

We are currently doing 6 weeks of training called 'inside out' the idea being that we deal with that which we have kept inside, and bring it out into the open in order that transformation might take place. As you might imagine it is pretty intense. It is so amazing to watch people going through this process and seeing their whole demeanour change as deep healing takes place - it is one of the most profound miracles I have witnessed and those of you who know me will understand the weight of that statement.

So what have I actually done over the past week?

  • Heard the most insane (wicked awesome) conga playing ever
  • Taken 2(!) trips to the local mall the first of which was intensely boring as I had no money
  • Purchased a mosquito net! (suck on that mosquitoes - oh wait you can't cause there is a net in the way!)
  • Made 2 very close friends - I know quick work ehy? (p.s this was a massive answer to prayer thank you to people who prayed)
  • Had a candle lit meal?! (More photos may feature)
  • Lead a bible study on 1 John 1
  • Attempted to no avail to call home a couple of times (If you are reading this PICK UP THE PHONE!) 
  • Took around 100 photos
  • Laughed - ALOT
  • Took a walk (and a swim) in the rain (yes there was rain and yes there will be a blog post on it cause it was amazing and unfortunately no I don't have a picture of me walking in the rain because it doesn't mix with cameras too well)
  • Fried enough bacon to feed 70 people - bacon is so good.
  • Had a bonfire!
  • Witnessed more lightning that I have done in England in 20 years of living there.
  • Saw the sick healed (?!?!)
  • Loved Life
  • Glorified God

And now some photos where I actually feature - quite rare.

Title font used 'AR DECODE'


  1. Benny! Amazing! So proud of you! And I miss lighting like that real bad too!! I'm jealous. If you can manage a brilliant lightning photo without getting so frustrated that you want throw you camera, then you will be my hero!

  2. So many lovely portraits! I am sure your new found friends will be thanking you for the way you capture them in your photos. Keep the posts coming! p.s thanks for sharing the fonts you're using - I love them! Are they ones you've downloaded?

  3. Thank you both! @hannah yes they are downloaded, if you google them (which i see you have done) then you should be able to get them also.

  4. Hi Ben,
    This blog post is wonderful news to hear and I'm so so glad you are having an awesome time with new friends and with God. The photo's are beautiful Ben and certainly capture so much! Thanks for sharing!

    Love, Grace and our prayers to you,
    Hannah x
