Tuesday, 25 February 2014


I tend to spend a lot of time on this blog talking about justice, poverty, the impact of the gospel and the call to live a changed life as a result which is great except it is just talk. Well that is perhaps all that you the reader sees, the truth is that there is a whole lot of scheming and doing that takes place behind the front of this blog. The exciting thing for you in this post  is that the action is coming to bear, and you have the opportunity to join in!

Over the past few months I have been planning and organising a trip to Rwanda with an organisation called Tearfund. I will be heading out on the 24th of next month (Soon!) for 10 weeks to the capitol (Kigali) where I will be doing development work, mainly in the form of education and training programs to help lift people out of social, material and spiritual poverty. While I am aware that the primary recipient of change over 10 weeks will be me rather than the people I meet I am definitely a believer in Gods ability to radically change a persons life in a much shorter time frame.

If you don't know anything about Tearfund then you should go and find out more over here. The beauty of this trip is that the government, through the ICS programme is funding 90% of the trip! Amazing! What this means is that you and I have the opportunity to get involved in changing the lives of individuals who are in a place of significantly more need than we are (rather than just sitting around talking about their needs). As required by ICS I have to raise £800 by the 7th of March in order to make the trip possible. I have 200 so far but in case the there is not enough incentive purely on virtue of the fact that the money will be changing lives I have decided to take on some challenges...

So - If we manage to raise £500 by this Friday (28th) then I and two of my very good friends will shave our heads, and yes photo evidence and possibly even video will ensue.

If we manage to raise the full £800 then the hair removal will be taken to the next level - we will all get our legs waxed (oh the pain!) I can't imagine that happening without someone videoing to be honest...
In addition, once the goal is reached I will take a full 24 hours of silence (that has to be worth paying for!) to give you all some respite from my harping on!

Donating is easy and safe, you can visit my just giving page: https://www.justgiving.com/ben-currer and if you are a UK tax payer don't forget to Gift Aid :)

Lets turn the talking into some real action.

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