Wednesday 12 December 2012

Cold Cold

Define: Cold



Of a relatively low temperature when compared to the human body


Completely; totally

There is much to be said for the cold. I think that the first thing that comes to mind when I think of coldness is 
beauty. Stunning snow capped mountain range vistas, delicately formed snow flakes and white gilded leaves.

Winter is an amazing season, I have fond childhood memories of going for walks all wrapped up like the
michelin man. The crunch of frozen ground under foot. That feeling of crisp cool air against your cheeks and
the satisfaction that I still get of being able to see your own steamy breath reminding you that you are still
warm on the inside.

However there is another very prominent association with the cold. Death. Those white gilded leaves are not
on trees, they are on the floor. The reason I am able to enjoy walks in the cold is because I know that it will
be followed by a warm house and probably tea. If that was not the case then a definite sense of fear would
accompany the cold bite of Winter knowing that before long the cold begins to hurt and if left untreated is

Cold has also long been aptly used to describe our spirituality and emotions. There are many parallels; the
brittle nature of things that are cold, numbness or lifelessness, close associations with darkness and of course

The difference in the parallel is that we don't always know where home is. This kind of cold is internal, we
can't just run away from it because we are it. We start to dislike our reflection and muffle the sound of warm

And before you know it you are cold cold. Absolutely, completely, totally cold. Dead. Like a leaf on the floor.

 If you are reading this and you are cold cold then know this, Winter is a season, that's good news. And just
like the seasons you are not in control, no matter how you strive they will last as long as they do.

Fortunately there is one who does control the seasons and he knows you. You might not know him yet but
he is inviting you into the warm to have a cup of tea with him. The choice is yours.

Title font used: 'Freezer'


  1. Ben, your photos just get better and better! I love all of these shots - so, so beautiful! Did you take them all with your 100mm lens? I especially love the red railings - the perspective, the detail, the tiny bit of spider's web - all very brilliant, and also the last one of the leaves. Just stunning : )

  2. Thanks Hannah! Yea with the 100mm, love it!
