Saturday 23 April 2011

Beauty in the mundane

In previous posts when rambling on about what I like to take pictures of I mentioned fractals. They are impressive things and can be found everywhere. A fractal in laymens' terms is a self repeating pattern within a self repeating pattern. Ferns are a classic example of this and are often used when defining fractals as it is easy to see the repeat.

Just outside the house I have been staying in the last 2 weeks on the Guadalupe river is a very significant spring to the Littlestars and now my brother as well. He proposed beside it, it feeds the river that they dated on and they were legally married right next to it. On that spring ferns grow which is a big deal in Texas as nowhere else is their enough water to keep those beauties alive. This is the reason I took these photos.

Josh & Sarah getting married on the Guadalupe river

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, Ben. The fern's seem that much more amazing when you know how rare they are to find in Texas! Amazing photos, as always : )
