Saturday, 26 November 2011


I saw this graphics card and instantly knew I wanted to take pictures and post them here. That was about 8 months ago so naturally I just got round to taking pictures of it yesterday.

Microchips do make me think of a miniature city, what that thought tends to lead me to the Tron movies, which is pretty random so I will move on now...

Taking these pictures made me really want a macro lens - quite a specific one which I have made a lot of mention in this space about before. having limited focussing distance with my current I actually only took 5 photos which means I have only the title picture and this one:
I will probably come back and add more later if I can find a good angle in a second attempt.

Updates - here we are ...

Title font used 'Atari Kids' 

Saturday, 19 November 2011


A week ago I went to Coventry with a friend to visit another friend who we hadn't seen in too long. It is good to catch up with long standing friends even if for a short time. We partook of the famous Coventry curry, made use of the most opulent bathroom ever, watched a film and in case you hadn't already guessed it visited Coombe Abbey...

Title font used 'Coventry Garden'

Sunday, 6 November 2011


If you know me then you know I have recently moved out of my parents and in with Dave (the living legend) Hewer. This transition has been just about as much fun as I had anticipated and also just the amount of effort I had been expecting but it all comes with the territory.

One of this weeks discoveries: the bright side to dampness. The flat we are in is prone to some pretty bad damp as it's in an old building, we knew this before we moved in so no big deal but one thing I had not foreseen was the view of sunset from the bay window in it's overly condensed state.

The above is looking down our street from the window at sunset with the drops of water setting off the bokeh.

Oh and as promised :- the pumpkin scones turned out beautifully ... Well done Helen