Sunday, 24 April 2011

Blue Bell Woods

Something I have been planning to do with these two for some time is to visit a woods previously completely unknown to me yet is very close to my home considering it's size and the fact that I live in the middle of a city. I was a little nervous that we would miss the blue bell season in my absence in Texas but we certainly did not - there were blue bells galore!

Thankyou John and Hannah for making this trip possible!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Beauty in the mundane

In previous posts when rambling on about what I like to take pictures of I mentioned fractals. They are impressive things and can be found everywhere. A fractal in laymens' terms is a self repeating pattern within a self repeating pattern. Ferns are a classic example of this and are often used when defining fractals as it is easy to see the repeat.

Just outside the house I have been staying in the last 2 weeks on the Guadalupe river is a very significant spring to the Littlestars and now my brother as well. He proposed beside it, it feeds the river that they dated on and they were legally married right next to it. On that spring ferns grow which is a big deal in Texas as nowhere else is their enough water to keep those beauties alive. This is the reason I took these photos.

Josh & Sarah getting married on the Guadalupe river

Friday, 22 April 2011

Texture#5 Pecan Tree

I have only just (about 3 or 4 hours ago) got back home from my 2 week wedding holiday to Texas to see my brother Josh tie the knot. I am currently swamped in a mountain of pictures, narrowing them down is not easy but I have whittled it to 500 which, given the starting figure, is quite drastic. Anyway because I just have the urge to publish something rather than get completely consumed in post production work flow I ran these through lightroom in about 30 seconds flat cause the originals were already sweet!

O.K so don't want to make this too much of a quick fire post so I will explain a little. The Littlestars who's daughter just married my Brother own a river house on the Guadeloupe river where they kindly allowed us to stay for part of our trip to there fair land.
 The front garden, though that is an inaccurate word it will have to suffice - perhaps front yard would be more fitting. Anyway the land is peppered by pecan trees, I'm not entirely sure how well it is conveyed in these pictures but their bark is strong stiff and sharp as I found out to my detriment when attempting to climb this one in bare foot - It's like walking on slate when all the sharp bits are pointing up. nice.
anyway the instant I saw them in day light ( we first arrived at night) I knew I would do a texture post on them as they're are incredible trees!
Interesting fact of the post: pecan trees ( or at least these ones) out grown themselves, their branches grow too long and heavy to support themselves leading to the inevitable collapse of their branches and so they are fairly high maintenance trees.